A LUXURY £26 million housing development is taking shape in Wilmslow.
The most expensive property has already been sold off plan for a phenomenal £2m!
Bowdon Homes has launched Lowood, their biggest investment in the north west, a collection of 14 detached properties off Moor Lane.
Demand in advance of April’s show home opening is extremely high, with several already under reservation.
Paul Masterson, founder of Bowdon Homes said: “This is our 12th project in the north west and the most significant investment we have made in the region.
“Demand for properties in Wilmslow has always been strong and this site presented the opportunity to deliver something really special to the town.
“The design of the scheme has been highly influenced by its location with white render and semi-charred larch timber external elevations, inspired by the nature that surrounds Lowood.
“Our focus at Bowdon Homes is on creating spaces that work for every family and we are confident we have achieved that here with properties that are both highly flexible and future proofed.”
Designed by Calderpeel architects and being delivered by Domis Construction, Lowood enjoys a picturesque location within five minutes’ drive of Wilmslow town centre.
The development is bounded to the east by Forestry Commission land and to the north by local ecological treasure, Lindow Moss.
Michael Thompson, land and new homes director for estate agency Gascoigne Halman, said; “There is simply nothing quite like Lowood on the market in Wilmslow.
“To find a property so immersed in nature, you would normally be house hunting in rather more remote locations.
“Buyers can step out of their properties and straight into 60 acres of natural beauty at Lindow Moss but equally are within minutes of all the amenities Wilmslow has to offer.
“It really is the best of both worlds. “Bowdon Homes has built its reputation on delivering luxury, bespoke developments and Lowood is an exemplar of this.
“The properties are architecturally stunning and flooded with natural light, while also highly specified to meet the demands of modern buyers.
“There are no other new build properties like this in Wilmslow and, with movement in the market already picking up, I don’t expect these homes to be available for long.”
Sited along a private undulating road, the detached four and five-bedroom properties at Lowood are positioned in small clusters around shared landscape courtyards designed to foster community and security.
Each home features an air source heat pump with underfloor heating, alongside EV charge points for cars and bikes.
The high spec homes include SieMatic kitchen appliances and Tissino bathrooms with the option for buyers to select their own colour choices.
Residents will have private access to Lindow Moss via a gateway into the ancient wetland, which is under the stewardship of newly formed Friends of Lindow Moss.
An open day for prospective buyers is being held on Saturday, February 17 and will provide the first opportunity for house hunters to see inside the luxury properties.
By Barbara Jordan, Senior Reporter